Become a member of our Community Supported Agriculture and get our freshly harvested vegetables every week for half a year.

Mosegården Jordbrug is a community farm on Western Sealand. We grow healthy and seasonal vegetables and use only organic and regenerative cultivation methods to pass on soil with more life to future generations. You can become part of our community farm by buying a share of next year’s harvest. By doing so you will get a bag of freshly harvested vegetables every week for half a year to pick up either at the farm or in Holbæk or in Copenhagen either at Nørrebro, in Brønshøj, Rødovre or in Nordvest. Read more about the scheme here. We also deliver vegetables to events, so please contact us if you would like to buy for your event. The purpose of community-based agriculture is to create a stronger community around the production and distribution of seasonal organic vegetables, where the members get a share of the harvest, and the farmers get greater security and economic stability.

Please write your phone number and where you would like to pick up your vegetables.

Become part of Mosegården’s community farm by buying a share of the harvest in 2024

Mosegården’s community farm consists of us who run Mosegården farm as well as everyone who buys a share of the year’s harvest. A share of the harvest in 2024 costs between DKK 4.800 – 7.000 which is paid prior to the season.  We have chosen that you decide your price within the given span so not let the price be a hinder to too many people. At the same time food need to be more expensive than regular supermarket prices if to be cultivated with respect for nature as well as generate a living wage for farmers.

A weekly vegetable bag for half a year

As a member you will receive a bag of fresh vegetables every week for 26 weeks from mid-June to early December. A bag will typically contain 6-7 different vegetables such as onions, beans, leeks, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, beets or other root vegetables. We strive to grow as many different crops as possible to ensure a wide range in the bag. How much we end up producing depends, in addition to our abilities as farmers, on rain and sun, wind and weather. Community-based agriculture means taking a risk together. If we get a too dry, too wet, too cold or too hot summer, it could mean that some of our crops fail and do not end up in the bags. Conversely, you get more in the bags than planned if the harvest goes well.

Our vegetables will have more soil on them than the ones you buy in the supermarkets and can also vary in size and shape. As a farmer, it makes no sense to throw out healthy and tasty vegetables simply because they are not very large or because they have small bite marks that can be easily cut away. We would very much like to minimize the amount of vegetables that are thrown away and would like to help expand the understanding of what real vegetables look like.

Pick up vegetables on the farm, in Holbæk or in Copenhagen

You will be able to pick up your vegetables at the farm or in Holbæk every Tuesday and in Copenhagen Thursday afternoon. In Holbæk you can pick up vegetables down at Kystliv in the Harbour. In Copenhagen you can either pick up in Folkets Park at Nørrebro or in Nordvest, Brønshøj or Rødovre.

In addition, we are looking for 1-2 more collection points in the area around Mosegården and Copenhagen. If you have a sheltered place (a carport, shed or similar) where there is space to have a vegetable stand for collection and space to have empty boxes standing for the following week, and if you think that together we can collect at least ten people who would like to buy a share, contact us.

If you are on holiday for a few weeks and therefore do not need your weekly vegetable bag yourself, you can either unsubscribe from us, or pass the bag on to a good friend who can then pick it up. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to refund for canceled weeks. We hand out sustainable fabric bags at the beginning of the season to carry the vegetables, but you are of course always welcome to bring your own bag and boxes. We generally strive to minimize packaging and will as far as possible use reusable and / or biodegradable packaging.

As a member you are part of the farm

As a member of the farm, you will be involved in the life at the farm. You will receive regular newsletters, and you will be invited to working days on the farm as well as the annual harvest party. It is completely voluntary if you have the time and desire to lend a helping hand to Mosegården, and it is not expected that members help with the production. Conversely, we think it is important that it is possible to be on the farm, for those who want, and we will during the season invite to weeding days or similar. In addition, you are always welcome to write to us if you would like to participate in the work on the farm.

Our vissions

We believe that agriculture must play an active role in the green transition. That is why we have set out five basic principles for our agricultural practice.

  1. Agriculture as a co-creator
    Stronger ties must be created between the city and farmers and between farming and local communities. Agriculture must help to create vibrant and inspiring communities in the countryside.

  2. Fewer machines and more hands – Agriculture of the future must put an end to our dependence on fossil fuels and create more meaningful work. By creating agriculture that is less dependent on large machines, with the need for many hands, we create the framework for a robust and future-proof food production.

  3. Soil should be cared for not plowed.Living soil with lots of organic material is the basis of a sustainable agricultural practice. Therefore, we use gentle cultivation methods and try to touch the soil as little as possible. Earthworms must have peace to do their indispensable work and insects must not be banished to small game strips at the edge of the fields.

  4. Real food is based on local resources. Instead of eating processed foods that are transported all over the world, we need to adapt our eating habits to the place we live. Small-scale production of seasonal vegetables is the best guarantee for healthy and fresh foods also in the future.

  5. More diverse nature – Insects and birds belong in agriculture. Farmers who have access to the land must create increased biodiversity and living space for more wild species. Both insects, larger animals and microorganisms must be able to thrive among vegetables, fruits and grains.